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What Areas Should You Protect with a Patent?

Fundamentally, there are three main areas that can be covered or protected by a patent:

  1. Technologies
  2. Solutions
  3. Products

1. Protecting Technologies

As a pioneer in a new technological field, it may make sense to file a broad patent from the outset. Such patents then cover a large part of the new technology and offer extensive protection. As the field develops and competitors emerge, it becomes increasingly difficult to create a comprehensive and cost-effective patent. Early protection of a technological area secures long-term advantages.

2. Protecting Solutions

Solution-oriented patents focus on specific aspects of a technology, usually in connection with an additional innovation that offers a commercially viable solution. These patents force competitors to offer inferior or more expensive alternatives if they cannot license the underlying technology. In many cases, such patents represent the most valuable protection for a company, as they ensure direct economic benefits.

3. Protecting Products

In contrast to solution-based patents, which often encompass multiple products, product-oriented patents aim to protect individual products or specific product features. These features are often difficult to transfer to other products, resulting in a very specific market advantage. If entering an established field later on, it can still make sense to secure patent protection in this way, although this is often associated with higher costs. A detailed cost-benefit analysis should be conducted to weigh the economic value.

Patents can protect technologies, solutions, or products. What is the best approach?


Companies should ideally focus on solution-based patents, as these offer the greatest economic benefits. However, in early stages, it may also make sense to secure entire technological areas through patents. With product patents, careful consideration is necessary to ensure that the costs are proportional to the benefits.

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